Tourist information / Further sights

Main information:

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Link to Blutenburg Palace
Link to Dachau Palace
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Further sights administered by the Bavarian Palace Administration in Munich and the surrounding area

Every external link will be opened in a separate window.


Our sights in Munich at a glance

Munich Residence

Blutenburg Palace

Dachau Palace and Court Garden

Schleißheim Palace Complex



Places of interest at Nymphenburg under different administration


Museum Mensch und Natur (Museum of Mankind and Nature)

The north wing of Nymphenburg Palace houses this natural history museum, which is one of the Bavarian Natural History Collections.

Exhibition in the Museum Mensch und Natur

© Museum Mensch und Natur

Erwin von Kreibig-Museum

In the palace's south crescent is a museum devoted to the painter Erwin von Kreibig (1904-1961).

Exhibition in the Erwin von Kreibig-Museum

© Erwin von Kreibig-Museum

Munich Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden borders the north side of the palace park;
it is not possible to enter the Botanical Garden from the park.

Botanical Garden

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