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Marstallmuseum (Museum of carriages and sleighs)

Picture: King Ludwig II's magnificent vehicles in the Marstallmuseum


With its rich collection, the Marstallmuseum is one of the most important court stable museums in the world. It is located in the historical ‘Riding Stables’ in the southern Cavaliers’ Building of Nymphenburg Palace. This building, which was completed in 1740 under Elector Karl Albrecht, was formerly used for stabling the most valuable horses during the summer months. In the winter the princely horses and carriages were accommodated in the main stables and coach house on Marstallplatz near the Munich Residence.

Picture: Room with baroque sleighs
Picture: Painting "Empress Elisabeth of Austria in the Alps"
Picture: Small garden calèche
Picture: Baron von Kessling in the silver-blue livery of the Oberststallmeister, coloured lithograph, around 1840
Picture: Horse with an ornate harness
Picture: King Ludwig II's State Coach
Picture: Painting "King Ludwig II sleighing in the mountains by night"
Picture: Sleigh with figure of Diana, detail
Picture: Coach "Strasbourg Berlin"

The first Marstallmuseum was opened in 1923 in the former court riding school built by Klenze. At the end of 1939, the collection was transferred to Nymphenburg Palace and after the destruction of the extensive court stable complex in the centre of Munich, the present Marstallmuseum was opened in 1950.

With over forty representative coaches, sleighs and riding accoutrements that belonged to the Wittelsbachs, the museum documents three hundred years of princely coach building and travel and riding culture. The showpiece of the museum has long been the Coronation Coach of Emperor Karl VII, one of the most beautiful state coaches in the French Rococo style. The 19th-century state vehicles of King Ludwig II are the high point of the many Wittelsbach gala coaches and sleighs on display.

Magnificent harnesses, fine riding accoutrements and historical pictures bring the travel and representational culture of the court to life. A newly designed room in the museum also outlines the development of the Munich court stables from the 16th to the early 20th century, focusing on the people who were once employed here.

The »Museum of Nymphenburg Porcelain – Bäuml Collection« is on display on the upper floor of the Marstallmuseum.

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